Giant elephant weighing 5000 kg rushes to attack the lion, knocking down the lion to save the dying buffalo

Buffalo is not an easy creature to bully in Africa. If a lion hunts alone and subjectively, it is completely possible to be seriously injured, even die.

Therefore, when hunting wild buffalo, lions often follow the herd, choosing the lone, or weakest one to be easily slaughtered. However, if the buffalo herd gathered together to protest, things would become much more difficult.

Encircled by dozens of lions, the wild buffalo quickly ran down to a nearby lagoon. With the nature of not being confident in the water, the lions had to stand on the bank of siege to wait for the opportunity to strike.

However, seeing the lions still waiting patiently, wild buffalo roaming, even running in front of the enemy to “tease”. Unable to do anything, the lions had to stand on the shore “swallow hate”.

Finally, thanks to the appearance of an “uninvited” guest, it was a giant elephant feeding nearby. Seeing the appearance of the lions, the angry elephant rushed to attack.

Finally, the lions had to run away before the power of the giant elephant and the buffalo also ran away to avoid being chased from the territory by the elephant.

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