Lion screamed in vain when the 2 meter long horns of the brutal wild buffalo pierced his stomach

 The African buffalo is one of the largest herbivores on the “Black continent”. Therefore, they are often hunted by carnivores such as lions, leopards, hyenas, etc., with the reward for the winner being a hearty meal.

However, wild buffalo are still especially dangerous because they are very strong and often move in herds. This makes the hunter sometimes encounter awkward situations, and even life-threatening if he dares to take risks.

The mistake of trying to kill the buffalo cost the male lion dearly when his opponent’s horns pierced his stomach.

It is known that the scene of a wild buffalo gobbling through the stomach of this male lion was accidentally recorded by tourists when visiting Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Although surrounded by a herd of lions, the bravery helped the wild buffalo create a spectacular escape from death. Even, it is strong enough to make a lion take a pretty heavy blow.

Being gored in the stomach by a wild buffalo, the “lord of the grasslands” proved extremely painful. Not only that, the lion was also thrown into the air by the opponent.

Suffering a painful blow, the lion fell face down on the ground. Meanwhile, its fellows were extremely afraid of the wild buffalo, so they did not dare to attack. That helps the buffalo comfortably run away.

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