Saved By The Bell! Watch A Mama Buffalo Save Her Baby From A Stalking Lion With 1 Second To Spare

Although baby animals can make easy prey, when their mothers are around, it’s not so simple. The video at the bottom of the page shows what happens when a mother buffalo steps in to save her calf from a stalking lion.

Where Is The Mjejane Game Reserve?

The Mjejane Game Reserve is situated right next to Kruger National Park in South Africa. There were previously fences separating the two locations, but they have since been removed, allowing all the wildlife to roam freely. On these lands, there are birds, flowers, trees, reptiles, and mammals, including the big five: buffalo, rhino, elephant, leopard, and lion. Additional mammals in the area include antelopes, wild cats, black-backed jackals, wildebeests, zebras, cheetahs, and more.

What Sounds Do Buffaloes Make?

Water buffalo with calf gazing in the paddy field in Manipur, India

Buffaloes make a diverse range of sounds depending on what they’re intending to communicate. Among themselves, there is regular chatter that sounds like mumbling interspersed with grunts. When using this vocalization, it’s business as usual for them. When they start to make a gargling sound, it’s more important because this is how mothers communicate with calves. This sound is especially important when it’s elongated because it alerts the calves of danger. When you hear grunt sounds (long or short), they’re looking to intimidate you.

Mama Buffalo Saves Her Baby

Mother buffalo (bison bison) is nursing its baby. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA

When the video below starts, there are several vehicles out on safari that have stopped next to calf. It’s making a high-pitched bellowing sound, clearly looking for its mother. The newborn’s steps are still awkward as it looks around, unyielding with its call. It approaches one of the vehicles, its call louder as it approaches. It backs up a few steps and turns around walking toward the vehicle in front. It has no idea of the danger that has just arrived — a lion is only several feet away, approaching slowly, its gaze steady on the calf.

The calf continues making the loud bellowing sound as the lion continues approaching on the same road. It pauses, staring at the calf, as if in a state of amazement that its next meal could literally be walking right to it, making for such a simple catch. The calf continues taking steps closer to the lion, unaware of its presence. The lion remains still for several moments as the calf keeps walking. Just as the calf looks up and notices the lion, it takes a single step forward, ready for attack. But that is the only step it’s able to take because the calf’s mother appears from behind the trees, startling the lion and forcing it to retreat.

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