12 LIONS attack LEOPARD - INCREDIBLE! Wild Dogs Hunt Klipspringers

Wild animals are animals that live in forests. These animals are not normally domesticated. The major wild animals of India are elephant, tiger, lion, deer, bear etc. Wild animals are very important in balancing the environment. They provide stability to different natural processes of nature.

Forests are natural homes of wild animals. Forest is a huge area of vegetation that is rich in plants and animals. Animals living in forests use trees as shelter. They eat the variety of plants or prey on other animals present in the forests.

Some eat green plans and plant products and are called herbivores like cow and deer. Some feed on flesh of other animals and are called carnivores. Like lion. Some animals eat both plants and animals and are called omnivores, like humans, rat etc.

Herbivores eat by grazing on plants or plucking the plant parts. Carnivores and insectivores have to hunt for their food. Animals like a cat, tiger, wolf, birds all have first to spot their prey and capture them. For this purpose, they often have to chase their prey.

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